Feb 7, 2010

Discussions on Christianity- Part 7 of 7

Here is the final blog in our 7 video discussions on Christianity.  This video talks about spending time with God.  We should all as believers seek to walk in the light.  Can this be a hard thing to do?  Why is it often difficult?

Feb 6, 2010

Discussions on Christianity- Part 6 of 7

Today's discussion is on distractions.  What is distracting you from your purpose?  Are you to distracted to even know what that purpose is?  Watch this brief video and leave a comment letting me know what you are thinking when it comes to distractions.

Feb 5, 2010

Discussions on Christianity- Part 5 of 7

Today we are going to look at sharing our faith.  This particular message deals specifically with believers, but anyone is welcome to give their opinion.  I welcome feedback from you concerning this area of the Christian life.

Feb 4, 2010

Discussions on Christianity - 4 of 7

Who is your power source?  Please watch my fourth installment of Discussions on Christianity.  Be sure to leave a comment below.

Feb 3, 2010

Discussions on Christianity- Part 3 of 7

The third video in our discussion is a little more personal to me.  We will talk about denominations, fighting, and squabbling in the church.  We are the body of Christ.  That means we should be working together.

If you have not joined our Facebook group please do so here: Randumblog Facebook Group   I will keep you up to date on new blogs as they are posted.

Feb 2, 2010

Three Cheers for President Obama! -- Yeah, You Heard Me Right

President Obama is receiving heat for a comment he made today at a high school in North Nashua, New Hampshire.  He said, "When times are tough, you tighten your belts. "You don't go buying a boat when you can barely pay your mortgage.  You don't blow a bunch of cash on Vegas when you're trying to save for college. You prioritize. You make tough choices."

Las Vegas is mad and republicans and democrats both are criticizing him for disparaging the "Sin City".  Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman said, "I'll do everything I can to give him the boot".  The Democratic Senate majority leader Harry Reid issued a statement that was headlined "Reid to Obama: 'Lay off Las Vegas'".  He went on to say, "The President needs to lay off Las Vegas and stop making it the poster child for where people shouldn't be spending their money.  To truly re-energize our economy, we need people to travel to Las Vegas.  I would much rather tourists and business travelers spend their money in Las Vegas than spend it overseas."  
Can I say one thing?  ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!  This was an amazingly honest thing for a president to say.  Usually we get the "go out and shop" speeches designed to make us as irresponsible as our government while we waste our money hoping to jump-start a weakened economy.  Well, I say great job Mr. President!  Do not back down from the lawmakers who obviously cower politically to the money making machine that is Las Vegas.  The city is a cesspool of filth!  There I said it.  I actually feel better now.  Besides legalized prostitution and gambling it has bankrupted many families over the years by capitalizing on addiction.
All our president did was to invoke common sense.  Be assured that if democrats, republicans, and Las Vegas are angry, then someone must have spoken the truth.  The Washington Post said that he veered from his notes when he said this.  If that is the case, then maybe he should do it more often.  I can't stand it when people bash everything a president does just because he is not in their party.  Well, I'm an independent and I criticized his actions less than a week ago but, today I am voicing my support.  I hope he does not cave to the politically correct people begging for apologies.  If anything, Harry Reid should apologize for encouraging Americans to be financial morons.

Discussions on Christianity- Part 2 of 7

This video is all about letting go.  Letting go of self, sin, and whatever is holding us back from God.  He has already done the hard part.  Watch the video.  Is it hard to let go of our "stuff"?  Is it ever hard for you to trust God?  Let's talk.

Feb 1, 2010

Discussions on Christianity- Part 1 of 7

This is the first video in a series of seven.  I will be posting one each day for the next week.  It is my hope that we can discuss the topics that will be addressed.  This first one deals with legalism within the church.  Please watch the video even if you have already seen it.  Then leave your opinion here on the blog so that we can discuss the topic together.

This is open to anyone regardless of faith.  I am sure that whether you are a "Christian" or not, you have at least met some claiming to be and have formed an opinion.  Be sure to check back each day this week for the next installment.  These are all videos that I made in the past 6 months.  I would like very much to have a great discussion on the topics that will be presented this week.

Don't worry--I will still be blogging on politics, pop culture and any weird or random thing that flows through my brain!