The time in particular that I want to share with you was a block party that we threw for a neighborhood in a very low income area. We had pulled out all of the stops. We had bounce houses, hundred of hotdogs to grill, face painting, basketball and a host of other activities. We even had another church bringing coolers stocked full of ice water. I was sure we had planned it well enough to be a success.
If my plans had gone right then I may have been able to boast in me rather than God alone, but my plans went horribly wrong. The propane grill would not work, the breakers for the bounce houses and sound system kept tripping, and we had no stakes to even hold the houses down. The worst however came when the other church came an hour and a half later than scheduled. It was a hundred and two degrees and when they finally arrived there were no coolers or ice just hot water..
If anything good would happen it would have to be God. Our teens did a couple of skits, I preached the word, students counseled, and HIS Gospel which is the power unto salvation redeemed 22 people. I will boast in Christ ALONE because his strength is made perfect in my weakness.
One older lady noted that churches come in every year and try to do something in the same pavilion. According to her there are never more than 20-30 residents in attendance. In total over 300 came to the block party.
The day before God had given us the opportunity to spend the entire day there. We picked up trash, hauled debris, and cut down damaged trees. We also witnessed a drug deal and an arrest (separately). None of it scared us off. There was a police chopper overhead looking for someone, but we had a job to do. We knocked on every door to invite the neighborhood to the block party. I am convinced that people don't care how much you know until the know how much you care.
It took God's love through us for that many people to show up, and then God took over and did the rest. Isn't He awesome? What stories do you have that can only be answered with, God stepping in?